我讀Douglas R. Hofstadter的"GODEL, ESCHER, BACH: an Eternal Golden Braid"一書,讀得有些疑惑驚訝與昏頭轉向。DRH帶著讀者穿梭在三個不同領域中探索意識的本質,竟然將數學(Godel)、美術(Escher)、音樂(Bach),串成一個「永恒的黃金辮帶」,還穿插四個精彩人物(阿基利免、特托龜、克雷蟹、安伊特食蟻獸),功力非凡。其中有一段老巴哈的打油詩「老煙槍的懺悔(教誨)」(Edifying Thoughts of a Tobacco Smoker),我喜歡其中最後一句「我抽著煙斗,崇拜著上帝」,如下:

Whene’er I take my pipe and stuff it 每當我拿著煙斗,塞滿煙草,
And smoke to pass the time away, 抽著煙斗,消磨時間,
My thoughts, as I sit there and puff it, 我的思想,
Dwell on a picture sad and gray: 便停留在一個憂愁暗淡的畫面上:
It teaches me that very like 它告訴我
Am I myself unto my pipe. 我自己就像這個煙斗。

Like me, this pipe so fragrant burning 像我一樣,這個芳香的煙斗,
Is made of naught but earth and clay; 全是泥土與粘土所製成;
To earth I too shall be returning. 泥土,我也一樣要回歸那裡。
It falls and, ere I’d think to say, 煙斗掉落了,在我想說什麼之前,
It breaks in two before my eyes; 破裂成兩半,在我眼前;
In store for me a like fate lies. 一個類似的命運在等著我。

No stain the pipe’s hue yet doth darken; 沒有污點,煙斗顏色還未加深,
It remains white. Thus do I know 它仍然保持潔白。如此我知道,
That when to death’s call I must hearken 當死亡呼喚時,我必須傾聽,
My body, too, all pale will grow. 我的身體也將變成蒼白;
To black beneath the sod ‘twill turn, 草皮下面則將變成黝黑,
Likewise the pipe, if oft it burn. 這個煙斗也一像,如果它經常燃燒。

Or when the pipe is fairly glowing, 或當煙斗裡的煙草溫和地燃燒,
Behold then, instantaneously, 則留意,瞬時間
The smoke off into thin air going, 煙霧便消逝在空氣裡,
Till naught but ash is left to see. 無影無蹤,只剩下灰燼。
Man’s fame likewise away will burn 人的名聲也一樣會燃燒消逝,
And unto dust his body turn. 肉體也會變成塵土。

How oft it happens when one’s smoking: 抽煙斗時,經常發生
The stopper’s missing from its shelf, 煙草塞子不見蹤影,
And one goes with one’s finger poking 我只好用手指塞進煙斗裡,
Into the bowl and burns oneself. 讓火熱的煙草燙傷了手指頭。
If in the pipe such pain doth dwell, 如果煙斗裡就存在這種痛苦,
How hot must be the pains of hell. 地獄的痛苦必定更加嚴酷。

Thus o’er my pipe, in contemplation 如此,在我煙斗中,沈思
Of such things, I can constantly 這些事情,我可以不斷
Indulge in fruitful meditation, 沈浸在豐富的思維裡,
And so, puffing contentedly, 如此,我滿足地吞雲吐霧,
On land, on sea, at home, abroad, 在陸地,在大海,在家中,在國外,
I smoke my pipe and worship God. 我抽著煙斗,崇拜著上帝。


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