
看著柯P在228紀念會上致詞且泣不成聲,說他的父親喪親之痛,令人動容;說不管皇民或國民之說(標籤),非個人可以決定,令人同情;說歷史可以被原諒但不能被忘記,但願這種悲劇不要再發生云云,我感到空洞空虛空白;看著蔣介石銅像被人噴漆破壞洩憤,大溪銅像公園人滿為患,我感到威權之荒謬可笑,想著夜空下銅像們的無言對白,想著228無數幽魂有個處所去尋找他她們的寃親債主,我感到歷史必然有個結局,雖然大哲卡爾波普爾(Karl Popper)堅持主張沒有歷史這種東西,沒有歷史意義,也没有歷史法則。我找到三則日記,代表我的228憂愁,如下:

  1. (2009) 228一個歷史傷口、悲劇、錯誤,年復一年痛心疾首,屬於那些受害幽魂與家屬;我沒有那種悲情,我找不到關聯,卻很憂愁低沈,似是個集體悲情記憶。
  2. (2010) 又到228這個帶有濃厚歷史悲情的日子,年復一年,很多人永遠無法忘懷撫平那種刻骨銘心的悲痛,一直陰魂不散折磨糾纒;我沒有這種歷史關聯,但我同感這種歷史憂愁。它是一種台灣人的共同悲哀,尤其當林義雄家門悲劇發生以來,更增加它悲憤力量!國仇家恨,天理人情,欲理還亂?林義雄「選擇一條人跡較少的路」,堅忍不拔,孤獨勇者,永遠有那正氣凜然典範!
  3. (2013) 228一個歷史的傷口,一個受難的幽靈,一個錯亂的時代,一個無法撫平遺忘的、不願被撫平遺忘的悲痛,一個錯誤的悲劇,一個無可原諒的罪過,一個自我毁滅的瘋狂,一個復仇的欲望。。。每年都會陰魂不散、借屍還魂、糾纒不清,像千萬條毒蛇昂首吐信,只為注射毒液到每個靈魂,沒有一個人免於毒液浸染,沒有一個清白無辜,因為我們還找不到那個悲劇的作者,那個殺人魔王,那個毒液的源頭,那個集體的復仇對象,所以那些不安受難幽靈也就永遠無法平息,永遠迷失在無止境的尋找裡。。
"To sum up, there can be no history of ‘the past as it actually did happen’; there can only be historical interpretations, and none of them final; and every generation has a right to frame its own. But not only has it a right to frame its own interpretations, it also has a kind of obligation to do so; for there is indeed a pressing need to be answered. We want to know how our troubles are related to the past, and we want to see the line along which we may progress towards the solution of what we feel, and what we choose, to be our main tasks. It is this need which, if not answered by rational and fair means, produces historicist interpretations. Under its pressure the historicist substitutes for a rational question : ‘What are we to choose as our most urgent problems, how did they arise, and along what roads may we proceed to solve them?’ the irrational and apparently factual question : ‘Which way are we going? What, in essence, is the part that history has destined us to play?’"
"History has no meaning, I contend. But this contention does not imply that all we can do about it is to look aghast at the history of political power, or that we must look on it as a cruel joke. For we can interpret it, with an eye to those problems of power politics whose solution we choose to attempt in our time. We can interpret the history of power politics from the point of view of our fight for the open society, for a rule of reason, for justice, freedom, equality, and for the control of international crime. Although history has no ends, we can impose these ends of ours upon it; and although history has no meaning, we can give it a meaning." 
from The Open Society and Its Enemies, Chapter 25: Has History any meaning?? by Karl Popper



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